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Access and Retention

Access and Retention

The Right of Children to Free and Compulsory Education Act makes it obligatory on part of the state government and local bodies to ensure that every child gets education in a school in the neighbourhood. Samagra Shiksha Kerala is developing and implementing various activities to provide better learning facilities to them.

Residential Hostel

There are 6 Residential hostels run by SSK for the boys who are living in the dense forest in 5 districts of the State. 300 children have been benefitted by this programme. 6 Residential hostels for boys in 5 districts of the State. 6 Residential hostels for boys in 5 districts of the State.

Strengthening of schools (Civil Works)

It is essential to improve physical conditions of schools to ensure effective learning. The school environment could be made more attractive and a feeling of security could be evoked among the parents & the community. Civil works included in the annual plan with this intention have been completed in a timely manner.

  • To improve physical conditions of schools
  • To ensure effective learning
  • School environment made more attractive
  • A feeling of security could be evoked among the parents & the community.
  • Transport and Escort allowance

    . The topography of Kerala makes it difficult for students to reach schools in some areas. Access to school for all students could be ensured by arranging transport facilities in areas where public transport facility is unavailable.